The rank structure for both cadets and staff mirrors that of the ATC's parent service the Royal Air Force, and recognises non academic traits in individuals such as their personality, and their ability to lead a group of peers. Making it something all cadets can strive towards
Promotion for cadets is based on merit and leadership potential. For ranks up to and including Cadet Flight Sergeant, this decision is made by the cadet's Commanding Officer (CO,) but for the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer the cadet must be recommended by their CO with the final decision being made by the Wing Commander.
Cadets aged over 18 are defined as 'Staff Cadets' and this is depicted under their rank.
For cadets to be eligible for promotion to Cadet Warrant Officer they must already be a Flight Sergeant, a staff cadet and have completed a cadet method of instruction course
Not all members of staff wear a uniform, if your interested in assisting the squadron you can find out more in our How To Join section, or by getting in touch.