Welcome to 1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Training Corps

Hello and a warm welcome to 1391 (Romsey) Squadron’s website, whether you are a member of the squadron, a potential new recruit or simply a member of the public.


This website is intended to give an overview of the activities and ethos of the Air Training Corps, which can be experienced as a cadet or as an adult volunteer, both on 1391 or wider Royal Air Force Air Cadet organisation.


There is no getting away from the fact that we are a uniformed youth organisation which is supported by the Royal Air Force – but where else can you take the controls of a glider, receive weapons training and fire a rifle, take part in expeditions in wild country or spend a week on RAF station in the school Holidays? What’s more, you can gain real qualifications through the academic training programme in Aviation Studies and in time, gain  BTEC’s, alongside the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme – all of which are recognised by employers.


We are confident that you will share our enthusiasm about the rewards that the Air Cadets have to offer and are always happy to welcome new cadets and adult volunteers to our close knit Squadron. Feel free to visit us on a parade night if you feel that you are ready to take on a new challenge.


Flight Sergeant David Symonds RAFAC

Latest News

Duo earn Gold award!

Two cadets from 1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Training Corps spent their Easter weekend in the wilds of North Wales completing their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expedition

Music to our ears

Three cadets at 1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Training Corps hit the right note last week when they played with the National Air Cadet Marching Band

Cadets take to the skies

Seven cadets from 1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Training Corps took advantage of the great spring weather and took to the air last Saturday

1391 Remembers

Six air cadets from 1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Training Corps have visited the Belgian town of Ypres as part of the commemorations for the 100th Anniversary of the end of the Great War

Support Us!

Help us raise much needed funds so that we can continue to offer amazing opportunities, register with Easyfundraising and select 1391 ATC. Then shop online and start generating funds for the squadron, without it costing you anything.

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1391 Romsey Air Training Corps | Disclaimer: The contents and views contained in this website do not necessarily reflect the policies, processes or procedures of the Air Training Corps and no such inference shall be assumed or taken. E&OE